Shared with My Cloud Western Digital My Cloud 04. Securely access your photos, music and files from anywhere. Reboot your WD My Cloud and your Arch Linux box, Enjoy!! Install Owncloud IOS app and follow instructions for file sharing etc IOS APPZ -use simple url or ip plus username and password for access. Applications that access My Cloud Home use standard HTTPS protocols and REST APIs to access content. Usually i would open the file system and click on Network and the NAS is sometimes there and sometimes isn't.
SIDENOTE: Isn't ironic how WD uses linux for the firmware/operation of the M圜loud but refuses to support it as a client or even provide documentation for open source clients! Cheapskate HYPOCRITES! That's one way of connecting to your M圜loud! The WD My Cloud NAS (network attached storage) is not designed for Linux.
We expect typical usage to be with a RAID-5 or RAID-6 volume. Connect to the device by typing its IP address in your browser. c -36,7 +36,7 // TODO(rsc): Can make this bigger if we move // the text segment up. WD M圜loud (Gen2): Chroot, Debian jessie + OMV, DSM 6, Debrick/Recovery (Possible to upgrade to any latest linux kernel and os/debian stretch) WD M圜loud Mirror (Gen1): Debian jessie + OMV, DSM 6 WD M圜loud Mirror (Gen2): Debian Stretch, OMV 4.